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How to Install Windows Desktop Client

System Five on Cloud uses the Windows Desktop Client. To access your information, follow these steps to install the Windows Desktop client software.

  1. Choose your version. Most Windows 10 users will select version 1.2.945 for Windows 64-Bit or Windows 32-Bit or Windows ARM64 is available.
  2. Choose to Run when prompted if you want to Run, Save or Cancel
  3. You will need to accept the terms in the license agreement before clicking Next to continue.
  4. In most installations, you can accept the default to install just for you. Choose this if you are the only person that accesses System Five on Cloud on your computer.
    1. However, if you have multiple users that each have their own Windows login, then you could select Install for all users on this machine. You may require a Windows Administrator account to install for all users.
  5. Once the installation completes, click Finish, and the Remote Desktop App will automatically start.
    1. After installation, you will find this in your start menu as Remote Desktop.
We have changed our domain. DO NOT PROCEED further unless you have received an Onboarding email with new credentials.

Lets Get Started

Follow these steps to subscribe and authenticate to System Five on Cloud. You will require credentials to proceed with these steps. If you do not have a username do not continue.

  1. Click on the Subscribe button.
  2. Enter in the user name you intend to use on this workstation.
  3. Enter in your password
    1. If entering a temporary password you will be prompted to update your password.
    2. The default password policy is 1 capital and 1 number, a minimum of 8 characters.
  4. Click on “Subscribe” to access the workspace/s available on your account. You will be asked to re-enter your password

  1. You will be presented a “Stay signed in to all your apps” message.
    1. Click on “No, sign in to this app only”
    2. DO NOT click on “OK” as it will synch your cloud login to other installed Microsoft Apps such as Word, Excel, etc. This will cause issues especially if you are using other Microsoft hosted accounts

  1. Your workspace will now load and you should see a Remote Desktop icon named after your company name. Double click and re-enter your password to load your System 5 on Cloud Environment

If you are receiving an error message “There are currently no resources assigned to you at”. Ensure that you are using the new credentials that have been provided.
If having issues with your credentials and want to try again. Follow these steps to unsubscribe.

Desktop Shortcut

Since you will be inside System Five on Cloud daily. Consider creating a Desktop Shortcut to make it easy for you to find.

Multiple Monitors

If you want to have your System Five on Cloud experience use or not use multiple monitors connected to your workstation. This can be modified in the settings of the icon.

  1. Launch Windows Desktop Client
  2. Right-click on the icon below S5oC
  3. Choose “Settings” from the pop-up menu
  4. Set “Use default settings” to off
  5. Adjust your choice of multiple displays
  6. Click the displays you want to use if “Use Multiple displays” is on.


If you are using multiple monitors with System Five on Cloud. You may want to activate the feature of “Tabbed MDI Mode” from the Windows menu found inside System Five. Once enabled, a button on the top right of the active window will appear. This will let you undock a window from System Five to be placed onto another monitor. Useful if running a report or to place a System Five tool such as inventory lookup outside of your regular day to day System Five workspace.

s5oc/installation.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/19 13:29 (9 months ago) by cserranillo