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Standalone Registry Settings for version 6

:!:NOTE: This article is intended for users experienced with editing Windows registry entries using the command 'regedit'. Incorrect Windows Registry settings may damage your Windward System Five Product or cause data corruption to your System Five data. Consult your IT Professional for assistance with these changes.

Open the registry editor on the Standalone Workstation and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Windward → System Five

The following folder structure in the registry editor should look similar to Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Registry Editor folder example for System Five datasets.

Select the entry that corresponds to the path to the Standalone dataset. The keys will be show on the right of the registry editor window similar to Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Registry keys for a specific standalone dataset.

Update the keys for DIRECTORY and LocalDataset to correspond to the path of the standalone dataset including the _datafiles directory.

Update the keys for the MainDataset to correspond to the path to the main dataset on the server including the _datafiles directory.

To update the keys, right click on the name of the key (ie: MainDataset) and select Modify.

The path entries need to end with a trailing backslash \ .

Updates to the paths have been indicated in a red underline in Figure 3.

:!:IMPORTANT The paths shown in this article will not correspond to any installed dataset. Check with Windward Support or your IT Professional if you are not sure about the paths to your Standalone Data or Main System Five Data.

Figure 3 - Paths updated as indicated by the red underlines. Demo Example Only

standalone_registry_v6.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/28 10:36 (14 years ago) by andrew